Beachside Girls U17 Team moves on to USYS Regional Semi-Finals

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Congratulations to the GU17 team for reaching the Regional Semi-finals after winning 3 preliminary games over the holiday weekend (5-1, 4-3, 4-0) with an impressive 13 Goals For. The cup champions of 15 states from Virginia to Maine are competing in Barboursville, WV, to advance to the National Finals.

“It’s so rewarding to see the work they have put in these last three years pay off.” Says Coach Fellipe Ribeiro.

“What has kept me going is not winning, but the search for reaching potential in myself and as a player. Although this journey we have traveled together is coming to end the memories will stay with me forever” Co-Captain Natalie Druehl

IMG_2111 2 “The people and environment at Beachside has shaped who I am today. Both failure and success has lead us on this path to regional semi finals, I wouldn’t do anything differently to end off on such a positive note.” – Co-Captain Lydia Shaw

“By making it to the semi finals in the regional championship, I couldn’t have asked for a better ending for this amazing team and our beachside careers.” – Co-Captain Kelly McClymonds

The team plays in the Semi-Finals vs the 2015 Defending Champions Beadling Bulldogs (PA) at 3pm on July 4th.

Best of success to the team!