How we Prepare our Players

Starting at the youngest ages we nurture  proper preparation, discipline and commitment into our athletes.

Our credo “Success is Choice” stresses the importance of long term personal goals over short-term gratification in daily decision-making. Decision-making not only with regard to the sacrifices made to participate effectively in our program, but also regarding time choices off the field, maintaining fitness, a healthy diet and a productive lifestyle.

Playing for Beachside is a major commitment, and a player cannot succeed without mastering the organization of his or her time, and the prioritization of activities. The acquisition of these traits results, more often that not, in improved academic performance.

Importantly, our players know how to work with coaching staff in a professional environment. To accept direction, work on performance goals, and become  true team players.

When they arrive at college they are ready to operate confidently and responsibly as young adults. And they can recognize those critical moments when it essential to step up with a special effort to raise their game, on or off the field.